LOCATION: 2130 Fulton Street
San Francisco, CA 94117
PHONE: (415) 422-5555
Director of Student Disability Services: Tom Merrell, merrellt@usfca.edu
Undergraduates: 3,700, See the 2008 breakdown below of students who have reported disabilities:
How does USF bring Awareness to their Program?
All undergraduate applicants are evaluated by the same admission standards, though when it pertains to admitting students with disabilities, Mr. Merrell says they do collaborate often with admission colleagues. Once students are accepted, there are disability information forms in orientation packets and outreach talks during orientation.
- Writing Center
- Tutoring Lab (and individual writing tutoring for students with problems in written expression)
- Note-Takers
- Extended exam time
- Private testing accommodations
- Two Assistive Technology labs (Gleeson Library and Law Library) with computers equipped with assistive software.
- Counseling Services
- Computer Labs
- Priority Registration
- Shuttle Services
TECHNOLOGY: (see technology page for descriptions)
- Dragon Natural Speaking
- Kurzweil 300
- Dragon Legal
- Smart Pen
- Zoom Text
- Jaws
- Closed Circuit Television
- Books on CD
USF has a struck a pretty good balance between technology and staff. They have a limited number of Smart Pens and other individual devices to loan students, but their two assistive labs have almost everything students need to work.
They have 3.5 disability specialists (one holds another position), 1 Office Assistant, and numerous student assistants. That's not exactly enough to provide all of the one-on-one attention needed, but it's more than students will find at a lot of schools in the area.
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